Thursday, August 23, 2012

Learn HTML-quick guide get it in 1 Hour

The present post is about learning HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) at a basic level within very less
What is HTML?
HTML means Hyper Text Markup Language,which is like common type of programming language.
HTML is easy to learn and work with.The browser handles the html code and displays the output
to the user using it.
Structure of HTML:
HTML has two parts HEAD and BODY.what ever code we write it will start with a tag and end with
a tag like this
<start_tag_name>  some text or any other thing </end_tag_name>

html start with <html> tag and ends with </html> tag.
head part starts with <head> and ends with </head>
now you have a guess the body will be like this
<body>   and ends with </body>

                 some text here
              some text here

above is the simple basic structure of html.

Do it in real !!!!
1.Create a sample.html file on your desktop or at any folder of your wish
2.Open the sample.html file and write the code below

this is head
this is body

after writing the code in sample.html ,save the file and open with firefox or internet explorer or any
other browser.After opening it will give the following output.
Outputs below:
this is head                                           
this is body                                          

here you got the practical experience of how html outputs on a html page.

What more you have to learn ?
1.title tags in html.
2.font tags for text and size of text.
3.Adding paragraphs.
4.Adding images to html.
5.Adding table to html.
6.Adding Javascript to  html.